
A horrible scene… Houthi militia brings a burnt body expatriate back to his family

The wind of the Houthi militias is contrary to what was wished by the family of the murdered youth Abd El Fattah Al-Maliki

Yemeni expatriate Abd El Fattah Al-Maliki could not have imagined that his trip to spend Ramadan with his family in one of the areas of Taiz province would end his life, leaving him a dead body, where he died under the torture of Houthi militias.

“The young man intended to return from abroad for a Ramadan vacation with his family, but the Houthi winds went against the wishes of Al-Maliki’s family.”

Houthi militias executed the young man 4 days after he was kidnapped in Al-Hawban area, east of Taiz city, south-western Yemen, local media reported.

Bring back a dead body

It came after she broke into his house last Friday night, just four hours after he returned, and took him to an unknown location.

But the young man, who was happy to meet his family, was returned to them yesterday, Tuesday, a dead body with horrific torture and severe burns, in a scene that shocked many Yemenis and drew the condemnation of human rights organizations over the past few hours, after the images of Abd El Fattah were circulated on social media.

The ”Irada” organization for Combatting Torture and Enforced Disappearances issued a statement denouncing this brutal crime and declaring that the Houthis will be prosecuted for this crime and all the heinous crimes that have affected thousands of abductees.

Abductions and enforced disappearances are common in Houthi-controlled areas, where hundreds of families are waiting to learn the fate of their missing children in Houthi prison basements.

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