Middle east

An Egyptian suffocates her three children under mysterious circumstances

An Egyptian woman strangled her three children on Friday in unclear circumstances surrounding the incident in a village in Assouan governorate, southern Egypt.

According to reports in the Egyptian media, the Nasr al-Nuba police station in Assouan, which is located in Al-Dekka village, received a notification from the Nasr al-Nuba Central Hospital that 3 siblings had arrived with dead bodies in unclear circumstances.

The notification said that the bodies belonged to two twin brothers, each 5 years old and a third brother, who was only two years old.

Initial investigations by the Egyptian police revealed that the three brothers were the children of a woman living in the village of Al-Dekka, and that she had killed them because she was suffering from a mental illness.

According to the inquiries, the sick mother grabbed the three and strangled them one by one until they all died. A fourth child escaped and told his grandmother what happened to his three brothers.

The children were living with their mother after her divorce from her husband, who was traveling to Cairo at the time of the incident to accompany his father on a treatment trip.

The accused mother was arrested by the police and brought before the prosecution, who requested a medical report on the mother’s condition to reveal her mental powers.

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