Arabian Gulf

The United Arab Emirates is first in the Arab world and 22nd in the world among the best countries for the year 2021

The United Arab Emirates has maintained its first position in the Arab world and the 22 world ranking in the US News and World Report 2021 Best Country Index, which measures the performance of 78 countries according to the characteristics and trends that contribute to pushing trade and investment and directly affecting their national economies in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the sub-rankings, the UAE topped the world for the second consecutive year in growth, which measures countries performance in terms of flexibility and economic momentum, and the outlook for countries with purchasing power per capita and parity in GDP per capita.

The UAE ranked tenth in the influence of military power, international alliances, economic and political influence, and the strength of the state’s political leadership.

It also ranked 12 in terms of cultural influence.

In the entrepreneurship category, the UAE ranked 20 in this component, which measures the performance of countries in terms of ease of access to capital, advanced infrastructure, transparency of business practices, skilled manpower, innovation, entrepreneurship, technical expertise and advanced legal frameworks.

The State has ranked 21 in resilience, which measures the State’s ability to adapt and respond to crises and variables, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UAE also ranked 24 in quality of life, which measures several elements including the quality of the labor market, job availability, political and economic stability, the narrow income gap, welfare and the development of the education and health system.

After the discovery of oil in the UAE in the 1960s, the UAE economy shifted from reliance on fishing and pearl production to dependence on industry, tourism and petroleum industries, the report said.

The UAE is struggling in its economic strength in terms of per capita GDP, European countries with advanced economies, and is one of the most competitive Arab countries. The country is famous for its two largest cities, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which attract millions of tourists each year, while Dubai, the region’s regional business center, is known for its elegant skyscrapers and is also home to the world’s largest building, Burj Khalifa.

Canada topped the rankings for the first time in its history, ranking second last year, and Iraq was downgraded.

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