Arabian Gulf

The media identity of the UAE has progressed, ahead of that of Western countries

The UAE’s visual media identity ranked 11th globally in the Brand Strength Ranking of Country Media Identities Report 2021, published by Brand Finance.

The UAE was ranked in this position after three new positions were ranked in the same index last year, according to WAM.

The UAE recorded an 11% growth in the economic value of its media identity, which reached $749 billion (2.748 trillion dirhams), compared with $672 billion last year.

The UAE’s lead on the index ranked among the most powerful media identities in the world, such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

The UAE was the only non-Western country on the list, with Singapore ranking fourth in the index, reflecting a qualitative shift other than the control of a number of countries over the top rankings.

The continued rise of the UAE’s visual media identity is a sign of the success of its national strategy for economic diversification and sustainable development, which enhances the position of its media identity at the forefront of the Middle East.

The UAE’s global impressions on its competence in education and science put it in an advanced position. The success of the UAE’s Probe of Hope Mars Reconnaissance Mission was a key factor.

The UAE was also distinguished on the global level for its outstanding performance and rapid response locally and globally to the global COVID-19 crisis.

The country scored high on international impact criteria, business and trade, which will be supported by the hosting of 192 countries on Expo 2020 Dubai from October 2021 to March 2022.

The international audience participating in the assessment valued the efficiency of the UAE’s response to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic locally and globally, during which the UAE played a pivotal role in supporting and strengthening international efforts to mitigate the repercussions of the pandemic.

The UAE was one of the first countries to support humanitarian initiatives, with aid provided by the UAE accounting for 80 percent of the international response of affected countries during the pandemic.

The experts working on the index also appreciated the keenness of the Government of the United Arab Emirates, its Information Office and relevant ministries to provide accurate and transparent information to the public and keep it informed about the various preventive and preventive health measures and decisions related to dealing with the pandemic through periodic media briefings, where more than 70 media briefings were held during 2020.

The UAE and its government have shown flexibility, efficiency, and readiness to respond quickly to the changes in work and learning patterns imposed by the pandemic, and its advanced digital infrastructure has enabled it to move quickly to digital solutions that have facilitated telework and learning and ensured their uninterrupted continuity.

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