
A danger to the heart you may not be aware of

Researchers have shown that certain starchy foods are just as harmful.

We eat it almost at every meal and yet it is as bad as sugar! A study conducted by Iranian researchers, led by Dr. Mohammad Amin Khajavi Gaskarei, has shown that excessive consumption of rice and pasta is harmful to heart health and leads to coronary heart disease in middle age, and is as dangerous as if we were eating mainly sugary foods.

“A diet that includes the consumption of a large amount of grains and refined can be considered similar to the consumption of a diet containing a lot of sugars and oils”explains the professor, as reported by the DailyMail.

White rice, pasta… These foods to avoid for a healthy heart

The study involved 1168 healthy patients compared to 1369 patients with coronary artery disease. Participants completed a questionnaire about their eating habits to determine how often they ate whole and refined grains. A higher intake of refined grains has been shown to be linked to an increased risk of coronary heart disease, while eating more whole grains leads to a reduced risk.

We speak of refined cereals when the fibers of the food have been ground into flour or semolina in order to facilitate its preservation but its nutritional value is reduced. The body, on the other hand, absorbs these types of foods faster, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise after meals.

“As more and more studies show an increase in the consumption of refined grains around the world, as well as the impact on overall health, it is important that we find ways to encourage and educate people. on the benefits of eating whole grains »says Professor Khajavi Gaskarei.

The results of this study will be presented at the American College of Cardiology Middle East 2022 during the 13th Congress of the Emirates Cardiac Society, an event to be held in Dubai from October 7-9, 2022.

Rice and pasta: what healthy alternatives?

We will therefore prefer brown rice and wholemeal pasta, oats or cereal bread, that is to say foods whose whole grains have been preserved, to take care of our health and avoid damaging our arterial walls. Viennese pastries and white bread should be banned from your diet. In France, more than 15 million people are treated for cardio-neurovascular disease, cardiovascular risk or diabetes according to a CNAM report.

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