
A group affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood gains influence in the White House… Details

During Joe Biden‘s presidency, a group receiving large donations from major Democratic donor George Soros saw its senior staff make 60 trips to the White House for high-level meetings.

According to White House visitor records reviewed by the Washington Examiner, Emgage officials have met with officials at the White House on at least 60 occasions since 2021.

Khurum Wahid, a lawyer reportedly placed on the federal terrorism watchlist with a record of associations with groups linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, is one of its leaders.

Founded in 2006, Emgage describes itself as “a family of organizations dedicated to building the political power of American Muslims.” It includes Soros-backed nonprofit groups and a political action committee that spends money in elections to support Democrats such as Representatives Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan), Summer Lee (D-Pennsylvania), and Susan Wild (D-Pennsylvania), according to Federal Election Commission filings.

Emgage collaborates on initiatives with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America – two unindicted co-conspirators in a 2009 terrorism financing case.

According to the report, Emgage CEO Wa’el Al-Zayat, a former State Department official under the Obama administration, visited the White House at least 24 times between 2021 and 2024, according to White House visitor records.

Some of these visits were with Biden, such as an October 26 meeting in the Roosevelt Room attended by five people. Al-Zayat also appears to have had a one-on-one meeting with National Security Council Middle East Coordinator Brett McGurk on February 2, the same day over 800 officials in the U.S. and Europe issued a statement criticizing Western governments for their support of Israel. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

On Emgage’s website, the group boasts of holding monthly meetings with the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Biden‘s leadership – an office “responsible for helping the president recruit, vet, and nominate over 4,000 political appointees across the federal government.”

The report concluded that Emgage controls almost every aspect of American life, from politics and government to the economy it invests in, to the media it is exposed to.

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