
A new episode of the” Defeat and Incitement of Al Jazeera” series

A new episode in the lies and falsifications of facts series
in which the Qatari channel Al-Jazeera has mastered
was revealed to the world, by United Company for Media Services in Egypt
after filming a representative demonstration of “Nazlat Al-Samman” in Cairo in one of its studios
when a group of young men appeared saying: Down, down on military power
and sent it to inciting channels like Al-Jazeera and brotherhood channels
who themselves swallowed the bait and diffuse representative protests as if they were really made
without any attempt on their part to find out the truth
which reveal how these channels deal with videos
which mainly depend on falsifying the truth
The “Extra News” channel showed scenes of cheering for Al-Jazeera and the rest of the terrorist media in the video of the protest
as well as a video under the title; How do you make a demonstration?
who processed the preparation made by the United Company to photograph the alleged protest
to confirm that constructing the protest scenes is not difficult,
but it’s the approach followed by Al-Jazeera and other inciting channels
Where is the credibility of the Al-Jazeera channel?

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