
A Sign of One of the Most Dangerous Mental Illnesses

Seasonal holidays and celebrations may appear to be filled with joy and happiness, but psychological pressures can lead many people to feign cheerfulness while silently suffering.

This is why, during such times, we need to be more aware of the feelings of those around us, particularly those experiencing what is known as smiling depression. This term describes individuals who struggle with deep sadness internally while hiding their emotions behind a fake smile.

These individuals appear to lead normal lives and may even seem happy at family events and celebrations. However, they are, in reality, battling psychological issues that can reach critical levels.

Anita Johal Thorpe, a mental health expert, explains: “People with smiling depression appear to have their lives under control, but they are actually suffering in silence and trying to cope with their negative emotions by pretending to be happy.”

Symptoms of Smiling Depression

Extreme fatigue

While everyone feels tired at the end of the year, someone with smiling depression may appear significantly more exhausted since maintaining a facade of happiness consumes a lot of energy.

Physical pains, such as headaches or stomach aches, may be a result of the psychological stress hidden behind a fake smile.


While overeating is common during the holidays, some individuals may go overboard as a way to deal with their negative emotions.

Feeling of heaviness in the body

A person may seem unable to get up or perform simple tasks, which could indicate emotional and psychological exhaustion.

Heightened sensitivity to criticism or rejection

Excessive reactions to criticism or rejection may reflect a deep-seated emotional vulnerability.

Prolonged sleep

Some individuals try to escape their negative feelings by sleeping for extended periods.

If you notice that one of your loved ones shows signs of smiling depression, it is crucial to provide them with appropriate support. Try to talk to them gently and without judgment. You could ask a simple question, such as: “How are you feeling as the holidays approach?” This open-ended question allows the person to express their feelings.

Anita Johal emphasizes the importance of checking in on your loved ones’ emotions, particularly during challenging times like the holidays. If the situation seems to worsen, it is vital to guide them toward available resources, such as a doctor or urgent care centers.

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