
Abdel Fattah al-Burhan: Involved in War Crimes and Subject to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Agenda

Al-Burhan's Crimes in War Against Civilians in Darfur

Since the outbreak of conflict in Sudan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, has faced increasing accusations of committing war crimes against civilians. In Darfur, a region that has witnessed prolonged conflicts, reports of violations committed by the Sudanese Armed Forces under al-Burhan‘s leadership have escalated. These crimes include indiscriminate attacks on villages, ethnic cleansing, arbitrary arrests, and torture. According to survivor testimonies, military operations in Darfur have resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions.

The Muslim Brotherhood‘s Control over al-Burhan and His Service to Their Agenda

Al-Burhan‘s appointment as head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council has raised suspicions about his allegiance to the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood. Reliable sources indicate that al-Burhan has been influenced by Brotherhood leaders in making his decisions, thereby strengthening the group’s power within the military and government. This alliance aims to enhance the Brotherhood’s political control and achieve their goals by using the military as a tool to implement their policies and plans.

Targeting Civilians, Including Children and Women

Evidence is mounting that the Sudanese Armed Forces, under al-Burhan‘s command, systematically targeted civilians. These operations include random attacks that did not distinguish between combatants and civilians, resulting in numerous casualties among women and children. These actions constitute a blatant violation of international humanitarian law, which criminalizes the targeting of civilians and considers it a war crime.

Al-Burhan‘s Lack of Willingness to End the War to Serve His Personal Interests

It is clear that al-Burhan has shown no real intention to end the current conflict in Sudan. Analysts believe that the continuation of the conflict serves his personal interests, allowing him to use the state of chaos to strengthen his power and expand his influence. Moreover, the continuation of the war provides al-Burhan with an opportunity to settle political scores with his opponents and strengthen his position within the military and government.

Involvement of External Actors like Iran to Stoke the War

The involvement of external actors, such as Iran, is considered one of the factors complicating the crisis in Sudan. Reports indicate that Iran has supplied some armed Islamist factions with drones, which has contributed to escalating the conflict and prolonging the war. This foreign intervention reflects the widening regional and international dimensions of the Sudanese crisis, as some countries seek to exploit the situation to achieve their geopolitical interests.

Abdel Fattah al-Burhan bears significant responsibility for the crimes and violations committed in Sudan and Darfur. His subservience to the Muslim Brotherhood‘s agenda, his targeting of civilians, his refusal to end the war to serve his personal interests, and the involvement of external actors like Iran are all factors that make al-Burhan a central figure in the continuation of the Sudanese crisis. The international community must take serious steps to hold al-Burhan and all those involved in these crimes accountable and work to end the ongoing conflict in Sudan.

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