Al-Mirghani makes deal with Brotherhood leaders paving way for return to Sudanese political scene

Well-informed Sudanese sources have revealed meetings between Mohammed Uthman al-Mirghani al-Khatim and Brotherhood leaders inside and outside Sudan, where the Democratic Unionist Party chief seeks to use the disjointed power of the Brotherhood to benefit from it within his party in return for allowing a partial and gradual return of the Brotherhood organization to the Sudanese political scene.
Who is the Mirghani?
Mohamed Othman Al-Mirghani left for Egypt in 2010, after the conflicts within his party intensified, preferring to flee to the British capital “London” to stay only a few months and then leave to Cairo and settle in it until the past days. Al-Mirghani – known as al-Khatim – had organized his political affairs and managed his party from Cairo, preferring to enter political partnerships with the former Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt, taking advantage of the presence of Omar al-Bashir at the helm in Sudan. The understanding reached a point of sharing ministerial portfolios with al-Bashir, where his sons (Hassan al-Mirghani and Jaafar al-Mirghani) served as assistants to the deposed president. Al-Mirghani leads an active party in the Sudanese political scene and enjoys the unequivocal support of the Khatmiyya sect, the religious arm of the party, the traditional rival Al-Ansar sect led by the late Sadeq al-Mahdi.
Deal with the Brotherhood
For their part, informed sources revealed that al-Mirghani and Muslim Brotherhood leader Ali Karti met to discuss how to bring the group back to the scene. They agreed in principle to export the image that Karti and the old faces of the Muslim Brotherhood should temporarily be absent from the political scene. It was leaked to Sudanese media that Karti insists on leaving the organization and transferring the leadership to a new generation, but the sources confirmed that this is one of the methods of deception by the Muslim Brotherhood to change faces that are rejected by the Sudanese people.
The sources added that Mirghani contacted Muslim Brotherhood preacher Abdul Hai Yousif – the owner of the Taiba satellite channel – to develop media frameworks and plans of action to quickly restore the popularity of the Brotherhood organization, in coordination with Brotherhood elements and leaders inside Sudan.
Return is almost impossible
Dr. Hamad Khair, a Sudanese political analyst, said that the attempts made by al-Mirghani, Karti, and Abdel Hay will lead nowhere, confirming that the Sudanese people rejected the Brotherhood once and for all and will not allow their return, confirming that the past three decades have been enough with the turmoil and sedition they witnessed to reject the extremist group on the popular basis.
He added: The situation in Sudan at the present time is led by different entities, pointing out that those entities are not the ones addressing the idea of the return of the Brotherhood, but the people showed that before and after the revolution, confirming that the return of the Brotherhood to the scene is an issue that ended forever, and the people will not allow their presence in any political equation in the near or distant future. If these attempts are successful, the return will be weak and ineffective and will ensure that the roles of the group will be limited to the farthest extent.