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Alliance for Africa’s Transition to the Green Economy… Outputs of the First African Climate Summit

Africa is striving to enter the global economy amid the climate crisis, as the world’s economy undergoes a fundamental transformation to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Africa is considered one of the regions most affected by climate change, with losses in poor countries reaching a record high. In light of this, the international community is working to reach a new global agreement on the emerging green economy with the African continent.

The First African Climate Summit

Discussions at the first African Climate Summit were dominated by how to secure the necessary funding to adapt to increasing weather extremes, preserve natural resources, and develop renewable energy.

The summit concluded with African leaders adopting the “Nairobi Declaration,” aimed at highlighting the continent’s potential as an environmentally friendly force, according to Kenyan President William Ruto.

The final document stated that this declaration will form the basis for Africa’s position in the global fight against climate change.

The African leaders called for the establishment of a global alliance committed to facilitating their continent’s transition to the green economy and environmental balance.

Outputs of the First African Summit

The meeting called on the African Union Commission to organize an African climate summit and approved the offer presented by the Republic of Kenya to host the summit. It reaffirmed the concern that many African countries face burdens and disproportionate risks associated with unexpected weather patterns related to climate change, including long-term droughts, devastating floods, and forest fires that cause immense damage.

The first summit of the African continent reaffirmed the principles outlined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement. It emphasized that Africa possesses the necessary potential and ambitions to be a vital part of the global solution to climate change.

Recognition of the crucial role played by forests in Africa, especially in the Congo Basin, in regulating global climate change, and an urgent call to the international community to reduce emissions, fulfill its commitments, and support the African continent were also included in the declaration.

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