
An Egyptian student failed high school in Egypt, and ended his life in a tragic way

An Egyptian student has committed suicide by hanging after failing his secondary school exams, the results of which appeared on Tuesday.

A security source told Sky News Arabia that a third-year high school student in Abu Tesht center in Qena governorate, south of Cairo, committed suicide by hanging himself as soon as the results of the secondary school were announced and he was informed that he had failed.

The body was transferred to the morgue and prosecutors were notified of the investigation, the source said.

A state of debate prevails in Egypt these days after the announcement of high school results and the low grades that hundreds of students received compared to previous years.

The Egyptian government has argued that this is normal given the change in the teaching and examination system in secondary schools to make the assessment more realistic. Moreover, the coordination of admission to universities will be determined by the averages of the total this year, not previous years.

A female student committed suicide in the city of Toukh, Qalyubiya, at the time of taking her exams because of her difficulty.

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