
Analysts Reveal Iran’s Sabotage Plans in the Region

Analysts have unveiled Iran's plans for sabotage in the region

Yemen’s Houthi group has threatened to escalate its attacks in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. Their leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, stated that they have introduced “submarine weapons,” with the Houthi-backed by Iran, attacking merchant ships suspected of being linked to Israel or heading to its ports, claiming to support Gaza. This poses a significant threat to the entire region.

Continued Assaults

As the Houthi terrorist militias continue their assaults in the Red Sea against maritime navigation, military operations against Iran-backed militias have persisted. In the latest escalation in the Red Sea, the Houthi militias launched two drones over the Gulf of Aden, while the US Central Command announced that its forces managed to intercept them, with a third drone crashing.

Ongoing Confrontations

Abdulhafiz Nahari, a Yemeni political analyst, asserts that the ongoing confrontations in the Red Sea have serious implications for security and stability throughout the region, prompting widespread calls to pressure the militias to cease their operations.

He adds that the food security system is greatly threatened by the practices of the Houthi militias, which has been widely cautioned by many international officials about the necessity of putting an end to these ongoing threats to maritime navigation.

Iran’s Wars

On the other hand, Wadah bin Attiyah, a South Yemeni political analyst, states that the wars ignited by the Houthis and other Iranian tools in the region serve neither the Yemeni people nor Gaza and the Palestinian people. Their impact on the Yemeni people and the economy of one of the major Arab countries is much greater than on Israel. All these wars serve the Iranian economic and nuclear expansion project.

He adds that Iran and Israel are not enemies, and their wars are a rivalry between brothers for what they see as the “inheritance of Arab wealth and sites.” Each sees themselves as having more right to the larger share, and the hundreds of missiles and planes each launches at the other have not killed anyone and have not destroyed important sites in reality. Each threatens the other with extinction, but on screens and websites for forty years.

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