Middle east

Assassination of One of Al-Qaeda’s Most Dangerous Leaders in Yemen… What is the Brotherhood’s Connection?

Media sources reported that a leader of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda was killed in one of the districts of Marib, under the control of mercenaries.

The sources added to the “September 26” website that the prominent leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Hamza Al-Mushdali, known as “Abu Saleh Al-Baydani,” was killed with one of his companions in Marib, in an operation coordinated between U.S. central operations and the security directorate of Abyan province.

According to the “Al-Mashhad Al-Arabi” website. the assassination of Al-Mushdali, who was behind terrorist operations targeting forces participating in the “Siham Al-Sharq” campaign, confirms the fertile environment that the Muslim Brotherhood provides for terrorists in Marib, and their collaboration with the Houthi terrorist militias against southern Yemen.

Al-Mushdali is considered one of the most dangerous leaders of Al-Qaeda in Yemen. He is one of the key figures responsible for drones within Al-Qaeda and. has close ties with the Houthis, having facilitated numerous deals with them.

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