Best Foods to Prevent Colorectal Cancer for Generation Z

Recent studies reveal a rise in colorectal cancer rates among young people, particularly in Europe. This raises concerns about this type of cancer, which affects the tissues lining the colon or rectum, becoming one of the most common globally and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.
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This cancer often begins as an abnormal growth known as a polyp, which can develop into cancerous cells. While early diagnosis is critical for treatment, prevention is the first and most important step, particularly through a healthy diet.
According to Times of India, here are the best foods to prevent colorectal cancer:
- Fiber-rich foods
- Fruits: apples, pears, oranges.
- Vegetables: broccoli, eggplant.
- Legumes: beans, lentils.
- Whole grains: quinoa, oats, brown rice, barley.
- Healthy protein sources
- Fish, poultry, nuts.
- Nutrient-rich foods
- Vitamin C: oranges.
- Vitamin E: almonds.
- Selenium: Brazil nuts.
- Vitamin B6: whole grains, nuts, vegetables.
- Mushrooms
- Studies have shown their role in reducing cancer risk.
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Key risk factors include hereditary genetic mutations, obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Additionally, diets high in fats and processed meats but low in fiber increase the risks.
Treatment depends on the stage and may involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, as well as targeted and immunotherapies. However, early screening and maintaining a healthy lifestyle remain the best ways to prevent and reduce risks.
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