
Beware… “Overthinking” Harms the Brain with “Severe Consequences”

A recent study by the American Psychological Association has concluded that excessive mental effort leads to severe health consequences.

According to the study, as reported by “Fox News,” “overthinking” causes negative feelings and psychological fatigue, which can turn into “brain pain.”

The study indicates that there is a relationship between mental effort and feelings of discomfort, noting that the sensation of pain after overthinking applies to specific populations with certain characteristics. It was found that the effect of overthinking is less on the inhabitants of Asian countries compared to other countries. Although there is a close relationship between mental effort and feelings of discomfort, there are also other accompanying factors, such as the level of education, especially the completion of university studies.

All 358 participants in the study, from various fields and professions, reported an increase in their feelings of discomfort and fatigue as their thinking increased.

The study advised employers and academic institutions to provide moral support and rewards to those with difficult tasks.

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