Big discovery… NASA confirms the existence of water on Mars!

If water exists, then the existence of life on the red planet is very possible
Nasa’s Mars-chartered Curiosity has found evidence of ripple water on rocks on the Red Planet. According to a February 8 agency statement, the discovery is the best evidence that lakes have ever existed there.
“This is the best evidence of water and waves we have seen throughout the mission.” Nasa scientists are working hard to determine the significance of the robot’s recent discovery of Mars.
When he explored Martian soil, he discovered “ancient water ripples” on rocks, which, according to Nasa, are the best evidence that lakes have existed on the Red Planet
“We’ve never found a better way.”
But why do Curiosity’s “ripple textures in the rock” prove a body of water?
“Billions of years ago, waves on the surface of a shallow lake stirred the sediment at the bottom of the lake, creating rippled textures left in the rock over time,” Nasa said, explaining how ripples formed. “We traveled through miles of deposits left by lakes and never found a better clue.”
This discovery is all the more important because it took place in a region that scientists had previously thought to be much drier than the lake’s former presence now suggests.