
Brazil: Fires Kill Two People and Threaten Large Areas

The Brazilian state of São Paulo announced that two people lost their lives while attempting to control a forest fire that is affecting or threatening 30 of its cities.

The government stated in a release that the cities have been impacted by dry and hot weather over the past few days. The state government warned that forest fires could spread quickly due to the winds, potentially leading to the destruction of vast areas of natural vegetation.

So far, the government has not reported that the fires have reached the city of São Paulo directly, the largest city in Latin America by population, with over 11 million residents.

However, local media reported that smoke has obscured parts of the sky over São Paulo, the state capital.

The São Paulo state government has formed an emergency committee to deal with the fires, which have also closed around 15 highways, either entirely or partially.

The forest fire season in Brazil typically peaks in August and September.

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