
British sanctions against the son of an African president… The secret is Michael Jackson

Britain imposed sanctions on Thursday on the son of Equatorial Guinea’s president, Alpha Conde, for wasting millions of dollars he spent on luxury real estate.

His spending list also included private jets and the payment of $275,000 for a glove that Michael Jackson wore on his first tour.

The list of British sanctions was extended to include 4 others, including Iraqi Nawfal Hammadi al-Sultan.

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced the new sanctions on Teodoro Obiang Mango, vice president of Equatorial Guinea, for squandering state funds.

Britain said that Obiang had taken part in “corrupt contractual arrangements and solicited a bribe to finance his extravagant spending in a manner inconsistent with his official salary as a government minister.”

It added that he had paid $100 million to buy real estate in Paris, $38 million to buy a private jet, a luxury yacht and dozens of luxury cars, some from Ferrari, Pentley and Aston Martin.

The Foreign Office said he had bought a collection of Michael Jackson memorabilia, including a $275,000 crystal glove that Jackson wore on his first singing trip.

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