
Brotherhood hypocrisy.. Between the Palestinian cause and cheering for Turkish-Israeli relations

Shocked by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s bitter quest to restore ties with Israel, members of the Muslim Brotherhood continue their political hypocrisy and go out to justify his decision, claiming that he inherited the relationship.

Ignoring earlier claims that they were celebrating Erdogan’s decision to cut ties with Israel, the group claimed he was the foremost supporter of the Palestinian cause and the caliph of Muslims in the region.

Brotherhood contradictions

While Arabs questioned the secret behind Erdogan’s courting of Israel again, the Brotherhood cheered their leader, claiming he inherited the legacy of relations with Israel.

The messages of the group’s leaders were almost unified. They all agreed that Erdogan inherited the relationship with Israel.

Brotherhood leader Jamal Sultan said: “Relations between Turkey and Israel do not need to be normalized, they are natural, entrenched, and complex for 73 years, through successive military and civilian governments. Erdogan inherited this legacy, did not create it, and often clashed with and severed it, and deals with it with a clause to reduce its risks to the interests of his country, and to protect the historic rights of Palestine and its people”.

Brotherhood journalist Jamal Rayyan said: “President Erdogan took an honorable stance towards Palestine, not by establishing relations with the Zionist entity but by inheriting it from governments that preceded it because of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, Turkey is not an Arab country to compare and justify the normalization of Turkey by some Arabs with the normalization of Arab regimes with Israel before the realization of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people”.

Muslim Brotherhood shock

Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post said: Erdogan’s decision to receive Israeli President Isaac Herzog shocked radical Islamists.

It continued: the Brotherhood began to find excuses for Erdogan to seek to mend relations with Israel, so that they don’t lose their last supporters.

It added: that some of them tried to spoil his efforts by carrying out some operations in northern Gaza to provoke Israel at the time of the visit.

It noted that Erdogan has often tried to restore relations so that he would not be the biggest loser from the Southern Mediterranean gas alliance.

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