
‘Brotherhood Leaks’: A Book highlighting distortions in the organization’s discourse

Brotherhood Leaks: The Populist Discourse of the Terrorist Group from Guidance Bureau Membership to International Naturalization’ is the title of a recently released book that analyzes the series of messages broadcasted in the third part of the “Al-Ikhtiyar” series, which aired last Ramadan. The series stands out as one of the prominent Egyptian dramas that significantly contributed to resetting and purifying the Egyptian collective consciousness from distortions in the discourse of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The book, authored by Dr. Hossam El-Damrawi, analyzes the set of messages included in the series across five chapters. The author supports each chapter with video clips broadcasted in “Al-Ikhtiyar 3,” which debunk distortions in the historical discourse established by the terrorist group since its founding in 1928, with its founder Hassan el-Banna.

Among these distortions is the lie that the group is the “solid structure,” propagated within the framework of framing the legitimacy issue. The Brotherhood presented itself as a well-established pillar, using it to manipulate the legitimacy cause, portraying themselves as victims of oppression to manipulate the sentiments of the Egyptian people and even Arab nations on a populist level. This was done after the Arab elites rejected them, exploiting the economic downturn to gain access to the minds and even the stomachs of the people who suffered from those conditions since the mid-1970s when Egypt adopted economic liberalization policies until the Egyptian people rid themselves of their distortions in the June 30th Revolution.

It is worth noting that “Al-Ikhtiyar 3” presented, throughout its thirty episodes, video clips collectively referred to as “Brotherhood Leaks,” shedding light once again on the narratives and historical storytelling of the group. These narratives had a significant impact on shaping the Egyptian collective awareness for decades. However, they became evident and revealed in their practices since they assumed power following the events of January 11, 2011, until the outbreak of the June 30th Revolution in 2013.

This revelation prompted millions of Egyptians to revolt against them in a popular uprising that served as a “salvation” after the Egyptian people regained their cultural awareness. This involved purifying distortions in the historical discourse of the group, which had attempted to infiltrate its deceptive ideas and ideologies from all directions over decades.

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