
Can a saline solution be reused after it has been opened?

Saline is essential that we all have in our medicine cabinet. However, precautions should be taken for safe use.

Composed of purified water and sodium chloride, physiological serum can be used safely by the whole family and its indications are numerous: cleaning of the nose and eyes, rinsing of the ears, cleaning of wounds. It can be applied to a pad or placed directly inside the nose or eye. It is available as small single-dose vials or as a larger bottle. Available without a prescription in pharmacies and para-pharmacies, but also in supermarkets, physiological saline is not reimbursed by Health Insurance.

Saline packs: they should be used immediately

Whether you use saline to clean your nose or a small wound, the dose should not be stored after opening and should be discarded immediately. If the single dose is reused, there is a risk that the solution may no longer be sterile.

For a bottle of saline, it can usually be stored 15 days after opening. However, this duration may vary by brand and should be based on the recommendations on the bottle. A tip to avoid exceeding the deadline, write the opening date directly on the bottle or carton.

Saline solution: What are the precautions?

As we have seen, it is imperative to discard the single-dose vial of saline solution once it has been opened. But other precautions are needed. For example, it is important to ensure that the dose is not damaged, pierced, or opened. If it does, it should be discarded immediately.

Another important precaution is that you should never use the same unit dose if, for example, you want to clean the nose first and then the eyes to avoid contamination. Each single dose is personal, so a new one is essential if you are taking more than one dose of your child. Again, the goal is to prevent the spread of bacteria from person to person.

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