
Clementine Célarié is now cured of cancer: her partner left her when she learned about the diagnosis

A custom role. Clementine Célarié is featured in the Les Randonneuses series, on TF1. She plays the character of Noémie, a woman with cancer. The 65-year-old actress, who also suffered from colon cancer that has now healed, skillfully portrayed the story. In 2020, she had decided to break the taboo by testifying in her book The Forbidden Words (Albin Michel). Mom of three children, she had managed to hide her illness.

On Thursday, May 25, 2023, Clementine Célarié gave an interview to Gala magazine. The actress was asked when she was diagnosed in 2019. At the time of the announcement, her then-partner had decided to separate from her. “In life, you have to fight constantly, get over the big club blows you get on your head, like cancer, and get up again. I choose not to dwell on the negative. It’s true, I faced cancer without a companion by my side,’ she said.

Love and theater, Clementine Célarié’s two passions

However, Clementine Célarié was able to count on the support of her family. “There was Jérôme, my producer, who called me every day and supported me. That’s what I remember. I’ve had a couple of heartaches. It’s okay, it’s okay, I don’t care. When it comes to feelings, I have enough unconsciousness to tell myself that I will find someone,’ the actress continued at Gala. Now that Clementine Célarié has healed, can love be back in her life? “For now, my lover is the theater,” she replied. But her heart is not to be taken for granted. “I have a true lover, but I don’t see him much. It is far away and as I am in the middle of staging my project, I go to bed at night like a chicken, at around 9pm, watching movies about religion,” she added. And Clementine Célarié does not hide: in love, she knows her faults and her limits. “I’m not interested in sex if I’m not in love. And then in love, as in friendship, besides, I am jealous and possessive,” she concluded. A long way.

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