Arabian Gulf

Completing the march of achievements: The UAE wins the “Human Rights United Nations”

The UAE won membership in the UN Human Rights Council for the period 2022-2024, an achievement that reflects the international appreciation and respect of the UAE and its status and role.

The win comes several months after the UAE was elected last June to the UN Security Council for the period 2022-2023, in successive international steps that highlight the UAE’s great place in its regional and international environment.

The UN General Assembly in New York on Thursday held elections for 18 seats on the 47-member council for three years.

The UAE was elected to the UN Human Rights Council in a move that reflects the depth of international respect it enjoys and its prominent role in supporting human rights.

The Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations system, composed of 47 States responsible for promoting and protecting all human rights worldwide.

The Council has the authority to discuss all topics and human rights situations that require its attention throughout the year and meets at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Outstanding experience

The UAE is a member of the Human Rights Council based on a pioneering experience in the Council, during which it has made notable achievements.

The United Arab Emirates has already served two consecutive terms on the Human Rights Council for six years (2013-2018), as the term of office of the members of the Council is three years and they cannot be re-elected immediately after two consecutive terms.

During that period, the UAE worked to support the Council’s agenda, particularly in the areas of women’s empowerment, children’s rights, the rights of stakeholders, as well as economic, cultural and social rights.

The United Arab Emirates has actively participated in the work of the Council to promote respect for human rights worldwide.

As a member of the UN Human Rights Council, the UAE has promoted the equal right of every girl to education. The UN Human Rights Council unanimously approved in June 2017 a draft resolution on the right of girls to education submitted by the UAE at the 35th session of the Council in Geneva.

The resolution called on states to remove obstacles to girls’ education, including discriminatory policies, poverty, traditions, religious considerations or financial hardship, and to take additional measures to ensure the safety of out-of-school girls against sexual violence and threats posed by terrorist groups.

The UAE partnered with 75 countries to issue a statement at the Human Rights Council in June 2014 condemning attacks on girls who go to school or want to go there.

The UAE also contributed to the Council’s unanimous adoption in September 2014 of a resolution to hold a panel discussion at the Council’s session in June 2015 to share lessons learned and best practices on achieving equal enjoyment of the right to education by every girl.

The United Arab Emirates continued to support the role of the Council in contributing to the promotion and protection of human rights around the world.

On September 16, the UAE and the United Kingdom agreed on a 12-year partnership to ensure the quality of education for girls, and both sides stressed the importance of using diplomatic and development tools to support implementation of the UN Human Rights Council resolution on girls’ education.

By becoming a member of the Human Rights Council, the UAE is completing its pioneering efforts to promote and support human rights at the international level.

Pioneering efforts

The UAE is also a member of the Human Rights Council, supported by an inspiring experience in supporting human rights at the national and international levels.

Since its establishment in 1971, the United Arab Emirates has accorded high priority to the values of respect for human rights, derived from its cultural heritage, its Constitution, which guarantees civil liberties for all, and its legislative system, which promotes the principles of justice, equality and tolerance, respect for rights, and support for humanitarian and relief work in line with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

At the regional and international levels, the United Arab Emirates has acceded to numerous agreements and treaties with other countries to support the countries of the world in the implementation and maintenance of human rights so that their values and concepts can prevail in the life of humanity.

The UAE is part of the Arab Charter of Human Rights and plays a leading role in creating and strengthening effective mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights in the League of Arab States. They also support efforts to promote and protect human rights through the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The United Arab Emirates has also provided financial support to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and has participated actively and constructively in the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The UAE’s efforts to support international human rights also stand out in its pioneering humanitarian efforts to provide aid and relief to those in need around the world, which are most evident today during the Afghan crisis.

The UAE has not only supported human rights in the 50 years since its founding, but has also consolidated its commitment to them over the next 50 years to be an eternal approach through the “50 Principles” document, which charts the strategic course of the UAE during the next half century, during which the ‘’Zayed house’’ entrenches high humanitarian principles that preserve human rights at the national and international levels.

The adoption of the 50 Principles on Saturday came six weeks after the establishment of the UAE’s National Human Rights Commission, which will contribute to promoting the values of respect for pluralism and acceptance of the other, and the sustainability of the foundations of co-existence, tolerance and harmony.

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