
Consuming unripe bananas protects against a serious disease


People often tend to eat bananas after they have ripened and become softer in texture, but a nutrition expert has said that eating the yellow fruit before it fully ripens has a significant benefit in protecting against colon cancer.

Nutrition expert Michael Mosley stated that “green bananas contain starch that does not easily break down in the intestines, but it acts more like fiber. This type of starch does not cause a significant rise in blood sugar levels and helps activate beneficial bacteria in the intestines.”

He added that the activity of this type of bacteria greatly contributes to reducing the risk of fatal colon cancer and improving liver and intestinal health. Mosley pointed out that “one in every three Britons has early signs of fatty liver disease, which is associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and liver damage.”

Patients in a study conducted by Chinese researchers consumed cornstarch powder twice a day for 4 months.

The results showed that the fat content in their livers was 40 percent lower compared to those who did not consume the starch powder at all.

Mosley concluded, “The good news is that you can easily increase your starch intake by consuming oats, legumes, and green bananas.”

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