
Dalal Abd Al-Aziz Regains Ability to Speak.. What did she say?

Egyptian artist Dalal Abdul Aziz was able to talk with doctors after she was constantly on a respirator when she contracted the coronavirus.

Egyptian media reported sources they described as close, on Monday, saying that Dalal Abd Al-Aziz began to feel the departure of her husband, but she was trying to lie her feelings, and hesitating in her not-so-long talk. She always said: “I am content with God’s command.”

She said doctors told her daughters that it was important to not to confirm how she felt about her husband’s death, so that it would not affect her, reduce her desire for treatment and confirm that her husband was alive and in need of her, making her excited about being treated and released.

“Dalal Abdulaziz, whenever she tries to ask questions about her husband, the artist Samir Ghanem, the answer of her daughters Dounia and Emmy, to her that his health is unstable, and does not differ much from her condition, in addition to being unable to speak,” the Egyptian newspapers added.

Artist Dalal Abd Al-Aziz was infected with the coronavirus, after filming her Ramadan series “Kings of Al-Jada’ana,” starring Amr Saad and Mustafa Shaaban. Her husband, artist Samir Ghanem, died at the age of 84, as a result of the virus.

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