
Discover the “60/60 Rule” to Avoid Earphone Risks

Amid repeated warnings about the dangers of using wireless earphones, experts recommend following the “60/60 rule” to avoid potential risks.

Excessive use of wireless earphones, especially at high volumes, can lead to hearing loss due to harmful noise levels being directly transmitted to the ear canal.

Over-ear headphones are considered safer as they effectively block background noise, reducing the need to increase volume levels, according to a report published by the “Daily Mail.”
Guidelines from the European Union and the World Health Organization state that the safe noise level from headphones is “100 decibels,” which is equivalent to the sound of an ambulance siren.

Dr. Sam Couth, a lecturer in audiology at the University of Manchester, warned that some earphones can reach levels of “120 decibels,” equivalent to the sound of a chainsaw or a jet engine during takeoff.

Exposure duration is also an important factor. In an environment with noise levels of 85 decibels, safe exposure time should not exceed 8 hours, and with every 3-decibel increase, the safe time is halved.

Scientists have warned that one billion people aged 12 to 34 are at risk of hearing loss due to using headphones in loud music environments, according to the journal “BMJ Global Health.”
Experts recommend following the “60/60 rule” when using earphones, which means using them for no more than 60 minutes per day with the volume set to only 60%.

Excessive use of earphones can lead to unimaginable health risks, and in severe cases, it can also cause permanent damage to the eardrum.

There are 5 side effects of using earphones for long hours every day, the most common being ear infections and ear pain, which is one of the most frequent side effects of prolonged earphone use.

Other effects include dizziness, which can result from overuse of earphones, as increased pressure in the ear canal due to loud sounds can cause dizziness, as well as hearing loss and reduced concentration.

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