
Do the Muslim Brotherhood succeed in returning to the political scene in Sudan? 

Sudanese political analyst Osman Mirghani stated that the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan is attempting to reshape the scene and return to power through the gateway of the ongoing war.

During an interview with the “Al-Qahira News” satellite channel, he added that the Islamic movement had governed Sudan until April 2019, when it was overthrown by the people after 30 years of rule.

He continued, noting that massive protests took place from December 2018 to April 2019, during which the Sudanese people managed to overthrow the Islamic movement despite its possession of weapons. He affirmed that the movement is now attempting to exploit the ongoing war in Sudan but will ultimately fail, and no lists will be made for it.

Mirghani pointed out that the war initially started with the Rapid Support Forces seizing strategic locations before the war began, capturing the Republican Palace and oil refineries. When they fired the first shots, the war began, and there was an investment in this war by Islamic movements to return to the scene.

It is worth mentioning that the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan adopted the name of the Islamic Movement after their dispute with the group in Egypt years ago.

Sudan is currently witnessing a brutal war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, committing daily massacres and crimes against civilians. The Islamic movement openly supports the armed forces, leads tribal recruitment and arming, and funds military operations, hindering all international and local negotiations to reach agreements to end the war.

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