
“Dollar Princesses”: When Royal Titles Become a “Business”

Newly rich and extremely wealthy, but they were neither royals nor nobles, and that was all they needed to complete the picture and enter the world of aristocrats.

But can money buy noble titles, especially when it comes to the years following the Civil War in the United States, where the constitution prohibits the government from granting noble titles to its citizens, regardless of their status or achievements?

This happened during what was known as the Gilded Age in America, the era following the war that saw the emergence of barons of iron, steel, and sugar. These new rich possessed wealth beyond measure, and their immense riches were proverbial both at home and abroad.

They had everything except royal titles, and to achieve this difficult dream, their eyes turned to their daughters to reverse the marriage equation around the world, offering extravagant dowries to marry them off to British aristocratic families.

“Dollar Princesses” 

A title given by historical writings that addressed the phenomenon and discussed how noble titles entered the world of business. On the surface, it appears that the father is paying the dowry to marry off his daughter, but in reality, everyone knew it was a clear act of buying and selling.

What these wealthy individuals were doing constituted a violation of the provisions of the American constitution. Therefore, they initially faced enormous difficulties, being newcomers to high society and trying in every way to follow the established protocols and avoid any transgressions.

But behind the scenes, the picture was completely different. When you are immensely rich, to the point of having your toilet plated in pure gold, nothing can stop you from completing the picture.

These wealthy individuals took advantage of the transformations occurring in both America and Britain. While the former country was teeming with new rich who had become the masters and face of society, many members of the British aristocracy were facing a drastic decline in their fortunes.

The aristocracy in Britain – like in all countries of the world – represents the gold standard of inherited wealth, status, distinction, and the elite of society, as well as a source of influence.

Therefore, the exchange seemed very attractive. These aristocrats did not mind obtaining enormous sums of money and a beautiful wife in exchange for giving her a noble title.

On their part, the wealthy fathers on the other side of the Atlantic were ready to pay dowries in the form of huge sums of money just for their daughters to marry into aristocratic families.

Thus, the exchange took place: wealthy Americans obtained noble titles, and wealthy Britons obtained huge fortunes, completing the story of the “Dollar Princesses,” whose fathers sold them to enter the world of aristocrats through the front door.

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