
Due to drought, a decision to cull 200 elephants in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe‘s Wildlife Authority has announced that it will cull 200 elephants due to an unprecedented drought that has led to a food shortage, as reported by The Guardian.

The Minister of Environment told Parliament that Zimbabwe has “more elephants than it needs,” adding that the government has instructed the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Authority to begin the culling process.

According to The Guardian, Fulton Mangwanya, the director-general of the Authority, stated that 200 elephants would be hunted in areas where they have clashed with humans, including Hwange, home to Zimbabwe‘s largest wildlife reserve. Hwange is home to 65,000 animals.

Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister, Sithembiso Nyoni, told Voice of America: “We are having discussions with the Wildlife Authority and some communities to follow Namibia’s example, so that we can kill the elephants, pack the meat, and ensure it reaches some communities that need protein.”

According to the newspaper, Zimbabwe is home to around 100,000 elephants, the second-largest elephant population in the world after Botswana.

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