Arabian Gulf

During 2023… Leading and Central Role for the UAE in Achieving Peace and Ending Conflicts in the Region

In 2023, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) played a leading and central role in bringing about peace and ending conflicts in the region. Despite its thriving real estate market, the global allure of Dubai, and significant oil resources, the UAE has undergone radical transformations over the past two decades. According to an extensive article published by the American magazine “Foreign Affairs,” these transformations include the modernization and development of the military. The UAE has become the financial center of the Middle East, establishing relationships with all regional players and global powers.

A report by “Vision” network reveals the UAE’s clear ambitions to overcome geographic challenges, positioning itself as a global economic power. The UAE has engaged in trade deals and invested in external projects to achieve this ambitious goal, becoming a political and economic role model.

The country holds a strategic location amidst major global economies, offering high living standards and education for its residents. With significant reserves of oil and gas, the UAE, under the leadership of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, has solidified family cohesion and governed the country through a consensus-based system. His son, Sheikh Khalid bin Zayed, was agreed upon as his successor. The UAE follows a secular governance model and is tolerant of various religions. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the potential economic corridor in the Middle East, connecting India and Europe.

Easing conflicts

In geopolitical conflicts and challenges, the UAE has emphasized rationality. In September 2019, the UAE engaged with Tehran to ease tensions in the region, leading to enhanced trade relations. In the United Nations Security Council, the UAE pressed for a ceasefire in Gaza and provided humanitarian aid. However, it refused to participate in post-war discussions without a ceasefire.

Combatting terrorism

The UAE actively contributes to combating extremism and terrorism, particularly amid disturbances in Arab countries. It works towards regional stability, especially as the reality emerged that the United States is not fully committed to the security of the Middle East. The UAE diversified its partnerships, including strong economic ties with China, relationships with Russia, and joined an Arab coalition in 2015 to fight Iran-backed Houthi rebels. It also supported the United States in its war against terrorist organizations like ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Role in COP 28

The UAE played a significant role in the COP 28 conference, where around 200 countries agreed to move away from carbon. Under the leadership of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, the UAE became a practical experience and a global example of how countries can play a major role in global politics and economics.

Central role

Dr. Tarek Fahmy, a political science professor at the American University, emphasizes that the UAE has played a crucial and central role in various regional issues by supporting the Palestinian cause and rescuing many countries in crises. The UAE has been pivotal in calming conflict-ridden areas, prioritizing reason to alleviate tensions in the region. In the current period of conflicts and crises, he believes that emphasizing rationality, cooperation, and joint coordination among countries with sound governance and leadership is essential to end all conflicts in the region.

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