Middle east

Egyptian army: 70 terrorists affiliated to Daiech organization were killed

The Egyptian army declared yesterday the murder of more than 70 terrorists in recent weeks in military operations in northern Sinai, which is the place of a rebellion associated with the ISIS terrorist group.

The statement of the Egyptian armed forces reported that the operations targeting suspected homes of terrorist and Takfiri elements which lead to the deaths of 73 takfiris in northern Sinai between July 22 and August 30. The statement added without giving more details that four other takfiris were also killed, and this term is used by Egyptian security officials to mention to extremists.

In the same context, the same statement said without giving details that during these confrontations three officers and four soldiers were killed or wounded

Otherwise, the authorities launched in February 2018 that a large-scale operation against Islamist militants focused on the north of the Sinai.

According to official figures, more than 930 suspected militants have been killed in the region with dozens of security personnel. Although there is no independently verified death toll is available and the region is largely isolated from the journalists, but the Egyptian government has organized occasional media visits, under the supervision of the military.

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