
Emirati Diplomacy Succeeds in Securing Exchange of 180 Prisoners Between Russia and Ukraine

The United Arab Emirates successfully secured an exchange of 180 prisoners held by Russia and Ukraine in their ongoing conflict, following remarkable mediation efforts.

Successful Emirati Efforts

According to the international magazine “The National,” this latest round of mediation is the fifth since the beginning of this year, with the UAE being seen as a trusted mediator using its relationships with both countries to achieve a positive outcome.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its appreciation to both governments for their cooperation, which led to the successful prisoner exchange.

The ministry also reaffirmed the UAE’s commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict, emphasizing the need for dialogue, de-escalation, and diplomacy. It called on Russia and Ukraine to mitigate the effects of the war on the humanitarian situation.

The magazine noted that the UAE has mediated the five prisoner exchanges between Russia and Ukraine, in addition to the successful exchange of two prisoners between the United States and Russia in December 2022.

Strong Relationships

The Russian news agency “TASS” confirmed that the prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine resulted from Abu Dhabi’s strong relationships with both Moscow and Kyiv.

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated earlier this year: “The success of the mediation efforts reflected the strong friendship relations that bind the UAE with both the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine, supported by continuous calls at the highest levels, resulting in one of the largest prisoner exchange operations between the two sides since the beginning of the war.”

The agency added that the UAE continues its efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine, calling for de-escalation and supporting all initiatives aimed at alleviating the humanitarian repercussions of the crisis.

Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the “Rossiya Segodnya” media group, said earlier this year that 248 Russian soldiers and 173 Ukrainians were released during a prisoner exchange between Moscow and Kyiv.

According to Simonyan, 75 Russian soldiers were exchanged for five fighters from the nationalist Azov regiment, who returned to Ukraine last July.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement that the Russian soldiers were repatriated from territories controlled by Kyiv due to tough negotiations and the mediation efforts of the UAE.

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