Middle east

Even though International denunciation, Houthis increased their attacks

Unfortunately, worldwide denunciation and the US Biden administration canceling the Houthis terrorist designation have failed to stop the Iran-backed group’s continuous violence against civilians in Yemen and Saudi Arabia; In fact, Houthis keep violating international norms and laws.

In recent days, there were many Houthi attacks against civilian targets in Saudi Arabia, and although the Saudi-led Arab Coalition forces keeping awareness in confronting Houthi missiles and drones, fragments from some interrupted projectiles have strike civilian homes in Riyadh and villages in the Jazan region. Houthis assaults wounded a number of civilians and broken public and private property.

During the last weeks, Houthi militias have launched daily assaults against Saudi Arabia. The group launched cross-border drones and missiles, ignoring international laws and covenants.

Moreover, States and organizations from the world called for rapid and decisive action to make a term for the repeated terrorist attacks targeting vital and civilian facilities and menacing the stability of Saudi Arabia.

On his part, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, appealed Iran-aligned Houthi rebels to stop hostilities and attacks against Yemen’s oil rich Marib governorate and cross-border attacks against Saudi Arabia.

He affirmed that Saudi Arabia and the internationally recognized Yemeni government are committed and eager to find a solution to cease the war in Yemen and appealed the Houthi group for doing the same.

He also said: The necessary first step is to stop their offensive against Marib, a city where a million internally displaced people live, and to join the Saudis and the government in Yemen in making constructive moves towards peace.

Information Ministry Undersecretary, Naguib Ghallab, informed Asharq Al-Awsat that although international and UN efforts to mediate in peace operation in war-torn Yemen, Houthis kept blocking any serious attempts for reaching a ceasefire and rebooting political discussions.

He added that the group has ignored concessions made by the Yemeni government and used negotiations to take more time and push their war agenda, and according to Ghallab, Houthis have not shown any commitment to finding a political solution for conflict in Yemen.

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