
Features to Stop Using to Avoid Overheating Your Phone

As temperatures rise this summer, you’re not the only one feeling the heat—your smartphone is too.

While most modern devices have cooling features to help them during the scorching summer months, you still need to be cautious.

When your phone gets too hot, it may shut down and refuse to restart until it cools down.

To avoid your phone overheating, there are obvious tricks to help, such as keeping it out of direct sunlight, but there are also several everyday features you use that can increase the heat as well.

We recommend stopping the use of these features or apps that heavily use your phone’s resources if you notice it getting hot. Here are five key ones:

Video Calls

You’ve probably noticed that your phone heats up during video calls. Whether it’s on WhatsApp or another app, these calls demand a lot of your smartphone’s power, so it’s best to avoid them during the hottest periods, especially under direct sunlight.

If you must make a video call, find a shaded, cool spot to do it.

Recording Videos

It’s understandable that you’ll want to capture videos at the beach. If you can’t avoid it, try not to film long videos. Like video calls, recording videos drains energy and raises your phone’s temperature.

Playing or Streaming Videos

Videos generally consume a lot of your phone’s resources, and it gets worse if you’re streaming them over Wi-Fi, or worse still, using 4G.


So, avoid playing any videos while you’re in the sun.

Navigation Apps

Navigation apps like Google Maps or Waze are incredibly useful, and it’s hard to avoid them when you need to navigate.

But using them for extended periods can cause a serious rise in your phone’s temperature. If you need to use them, try to keep your phone in the shade.


Charging While Using Apps

Features and apps that heavily use resources will significantly increase your phone’s temperature if you’re charging it at the same time.

So, choose one or the other, but not both at the same time, to help cool down your phone.

If your phone is extremely hot, unplug it from the power source if it’s charging, move it to a cooler place, and don’t use it until it cools down.

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