
FIFA faces World Cup boycott crises, Doha violations

FIFA has not gotten rid of the repercussions of Qatar’s hosting of the World Cup, which will be held next November, amid accusations that the small Gulf state is violating human rights and receiving the rights to host the event by bribing FIFA officials.

According to the British newspaper Game of the People, FIFA fears the world’s boycott of Qatar in the World Cup and the corruption of the most controversial championship in FIFA’s history.

Embarrassment to Qatar

The newspaper added that the Qatar World Cup is indeed unbelievably polluted. For the first time, hosting rights are granted to a small country of this size and climate unsuitable for holding sporting events, in addition to its poor human rights record, making it an unsuitable country to host the tournament.

It added that although the players were unable to boycott the World Cup, they announced that they would go to Qatar and turn the tournament into a platform to take their objections and expose the practices of the Tamim system and violations of workers’ rights, which would embarrass the Qatari government before the world.

FIFA concerns

According to the newspaper, some national teams, such as Belgium, the Netherlands and Britain, made the decision to wear clothes that carry messages rejecting Qatari practices.

It added that despite the announcement of the national teams to join the World Cup, FIFA fears that any large national team, such as Germany, will withdraw because it will entail collective withdrawals.

It added that such concerns fill FIFA’s corners, as everyone speaks behind closed doors about the international outrage over Qatar’s violations.

Regardless of the political situation, the situation in Qatar cannot be seen in any way, the newspaper said. Amnesty International is calling on FIFA to contribute workers’ compensation from the proceeds of the competition, and when it considers the amount spent on the World Cup (which exceeds $200 billion) with a projected profit of up to $6 billion, a claim for around $400 million in compensation is acceptable.

Labor tragedy

Workers are forced to work all day of the year without any weekly day off, the newspaper said. If a worker is forced to go out of work, he is fired or deducted two or more days of salary.

The newspaper said: “This is just one example of the hardline regime, but in an era of increasing acceptance and integration, Qatar is still lagging behind”.

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