Arabian Gulf

Gargash describes the Libyan Foreign Minister’s demand for mercenaries as sovereign

Dr. Anwar Gargash, advisor to the UAE President, on Saturday considered the statement of the Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the necessity of the departure of foreign forces as “sovereign par excellence”.

Gargash said that just as the international community supports a promising political solution in Libya, the national and Arab perspective seeks full and undiminished Libyan sovereignty.

Hours earlier, Libyan Foreign Minister Najla al-Mangoush demanded the departure of all foreign forces, including Turks and their mercenaries.

“Earlier, al-Mangoush announced that her country had started a dialog with Turkey, but was determined to see the latter and all foreign forces withdraw from Libya”.

But the “demands of the inscribed” were met with rejection and attack by the head of the so-called High Council of State, Khaled al-Mashri, especially with regard to the Turks.

“The presence of foreign forces on Libyan territory is a rejected principle and should not be discussed or increased by anyone,” al-Mashri said in a statement. “However, everyone must be well aware of the difference between mercenaries and the presence of forces based on these agreements with Turkey”.

In January, the administrative district of the Court of Appeals in the Libyan city of Bayda issued a ruling overturning the decisions of the so-called Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord regarding the maritime border demarcation agreement and an agreement on security and military cooperation with Turkey.

“Ankara is challenging the UN-brokered ceasefire agreement signed by the Libyan Joint Military Commission (5+5) on October 23 to remove mercenaries and foreign forces from the country”.

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