
Gargash: The UAE adopts an approach based on state sovereignty and the primacy of diplomacy

The diplomatic advisor to the UAE president said on Saturday that his country adopts an approach based on the principles of sovereignty of states and the primacy of diplomacy to reduce escalation.

Anwar Gargash said that the world is going through one of the major historical crises that threatens exceptional repercussions for various countries, referring to the Ukrainian crisis.

He tweeted: “At this African moment, the UAE adopts an approach based on the principles of sovereignty of states, non-violence, the prevalence of reason and diplomacy to reduce escalation in faith in political solutions to avoid further instability”.

He added: “Under difficult international circumstances, the wise handling of the UAE leadership emerges in a rational balance that combines positions and principles”.

“It is a sovereign and independent position to preserve the interests of the state and the region and is in harmony with our values, which call for dialog and joint action and the promotion of peace, prosperity and development”.

On Tuesday, Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, the UAE’s permanent representative to the UN, said the humanitarian situation in Ukraine has reached catastrophic levels, calling on all parties to respect their obligations under international law.

Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh stressed the need not to target civilian facilities such as schools and hospitals in Ukraine, noting that there is an urgent need to build confidence between the parties to the Ukrainian crisis.

Since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and its entry into military action on February 24, the UAE has consistently called for its peaceful resolution through diplomatic efforts to de-escalate, serious action and international community responsibility to avoid the humanitarian repercussions of the more than week-long war and to spare civilians the negative effects of the sanctions imposed on Moscow.

The UAE, which currently chairs the UN Security Council, has repeatedly stressed the need to ensure humanitarian access and allow unhindered delivery, noting the importance of a stable regional security environment.

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