Middle east

Global Echo: Houthis continue their crimes and attempt to impose their influence on Saada and Lahij

Yemeni army, joint and southern forces shot down two drones fired by the Houthi terrorist militia at military sites in Saada and Lahij provinces.

Field sources in the Kitaf district in Saada province, which borders Saudi Arabia, confirmed to the newspaper “Global Echo” that the defenses of the Yemeni army forces managed to down a booby-trapped march launched by the Houthi militia towards its positions in the district, while it was fighting.

Persistent Houthi Escalation

The escalation on the battlefronts coincides with regional and international moves to reach a lasting peace in the country.

The newspaper added that the militias continued their combat movements on the Saada fronts, where the army targeted new Houthi positions in Shada District, destroying Houthi weapons and fortifications, and leaving two Houthi killed and four others wounded. They were taken to the Razeh district hospital.

In Lahij, field sources in the south and joint forces confirmed that their weapons were able to destroy sites used in launching car bomb marches on the fronts around Karish in the north of the province.

The attack came after the militia launched a march of explosives on the 10th Brigade’s position on the Habil Hanash front, killing one soldier and wounding another, she said.

Houthi forces shelled villages in al-Hawamra area on the Karsh front between Taiz and Lahj, killing a woman and wounding a child and another woman.

While Yemeni military sources confirmed to Global Echo that the militia had used parades that had recently arrived from seaports, Presidential Command Council Chairman Rashad al-Alami directed the local authority in Mahra to combat smuggling, including weapons to the Houthi militia.

Regarding the Houthi group’s violations and crimes, Saudi project “Musam” confirmed that its field teams removed 1,207 mines and unexploded ordnance from Houthi remnants in Yemeni territory last week.

Peace efforts don’t stop

Informed sources in Sanaa told the newspaper that the Omani delegation left the capital after a five-day visit, bringing with it positive reactions from the Houthis on the issues of the dispute, noting that the delegation’s discussions with the Houthis focused on the humanitarian aspect, which paves the way for achieving a lasting peace.

The sources expected the results of the visit to be announced following the briefing of the UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, before the Security Council on Monday, pointing out that there are signs of a breakthrough in the humanitarian files, paving the way for the Security Council to extend the truce and transition to permanent peace consultations.

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