Arabian Gulf

Hadi confirms eagerness support for Yemen’s unity

Yemeni President Abd Rabu Mansur Hadi asserted the importance of national unity, calling upon the political elite to specialise in confronting the Iranian agenda and its Houthi proxies.

This came during his speech marking the 31st Anniversary of the National Unity Day on May 22.

In his remarks, Hadi condemned the Houthi militia group, saying this year’s celebrations come amid difficult circumstances and challenges at various levels, namely the coup against the state and therefore the war imposed by Iran-backed militias.

The president addressed the Houthi attack on the Marib governorate launched quite a year ago, saying it reflects the group’s “sick mentality.”

The Houthi militias try to impose their rules, goals, and false beliefs on the people through act of God , blood, and destruction, he indicated.

Hadi stressed that the Unity National Day is a chance to unify the country under the national cause, calling upon all members of the society also as political, social, media, and cultural institutions to hitch efforts that aim to preserve national constants and confront the Iranian agenda together with advocates of sedition and wars.

He also condemned the southern forces, without naming them, saying they need to spread hatred and strife by calling for the separation.

“We believe that Yemeni unity may be a noble goal” asserted Hadi, indicating that the federal-state project included within the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference has laid the foundations for an accurate path that guarantees rights and partnership and establishes a stable and secure future.

He confirmed that the federal state meets the aspirations of Yemenis and sets them on the trail to a secure and stable future faraway from conflicts, divisions, and marginalization.

Victory over Houthis will soon be achieved, reiterated the president, noting that he directed the govt to determine security, activate state institutions, and restore services like electricity, water, and education.

The Yemeni president criticized the attempts to obstruct the govt , including the deliberate incitement and systematic disruption of its work.

“We reiterate the necessity to hold out its responsibilities in complementarity with the local authorities and overcome all obstacles,” said the president.

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