Hakem al-Mutairi: Sponsor of Terrorism Inciting against Arab Countries

While the whole world is working together to save the victims of the earthquake that took place in Syria and Turkey, the symbols of the Muslim Brotherhood are manipulating to exploit the biggest natural disaster in the century. One of the most prominent of these figures is Hakem al-Mutairi, who is taking advantage of the humanitarian situation to gain the feelings of the Arab nation for his subversive agenda, as he is one of the extremists who sold their religion and country in favor of terrorism.
Obliterate the blood
Media reports revealed the history of the terrorist Hakem al-Mutairi, who devoted himself to spreading terrorism. He is considered a puppet of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group, and Al-Mutairi is considered one of the supporters of terrorism who was included in the list of terrorism announced by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt on June 8, 2017.
In 2020, secret leaks from the tent of the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi circulated, including a video of Al-Mutairi’s brothers asking for financial support in order to spread unrest in his country, and Al-Mutairi has a Twitter account that turned it into a platform for aberrant fatwas declaring penance to whomever he wants and granting indulgences to whomever he wants.
Following the Brotherhood’s path, the Brotherhood cannot fail to cite the writings of Orabi Hassan al-Banna and Sayed Qutb, proceeding with their takfiri approach, whose views are consistent with those of al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS).
Supporting terrorist operations
Dr. Tariq Al-Basheishi, a researcher on terrorist groups, said: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Hakem al-Mutairi is one of the most prominent supporters of terrorist operations. He also contributed greatly to the splintering of terrorist groups in Syria, causing a lot of destruction for Syrians in the fighting.
He added that Hakim Al-Mutairi provided funds and support to terrorist militias in Syria, including the “Al-Nusra Front”, “Jund Al-Aqsa” and “Liwaa Al-Ummah”. On the list of sanctions of the United Nations and the United States of America.
He said he shares the views of al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and promotes their extremist and aberrant views.