Middle east

Hamas is rebuilding its forces in Gaza by recruiting thousands of new fighters

Abu Ubaida threatens to reveal documents about the Qassam plan to implement a complex strategic deception for the Shin Bet and the enemy security system for years before the October 7 attack.


The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced on Sunday the recruitment of thousands of new fighters during the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and the rehabilitation of its military capabilities, confirming that it possesses dangerous documents regarding the penetration of Israeli institutions, including the Shin Bet, during last October 7th attack. Observers believe that the statement aims to further pressure the Israeli government to proceed with a ceasefire deal and release hostages.

The spokesman for the brigades, Abu Ubaida, said in a video speech, “We managed to recruit thousands of new fighters during the war, rehabilitate some important capabilities, prepare ambushes, manufacture bombs and shells, and recycle the waste of the enemy (Israeli).”

He continued, “Our 24 brigades fought with the resistance factions for 9 months, from the farthest Beit Hanoun in the north to the farthest Rafah in the south,” adding, “We strengthened our defensive capabilities to confront the occupation wherever it exists on our land, and we still have a lot to do,” continuing “9 months have passed since the start of the battle of Al-Aqsa Tempest on October 7th last year, and our people are still under Nazi-Zionist-American aggression and genocide as punishment for their insistence on their land, sanctities, and exercise of their natural rights.”

He mentioned that “9 months have passed, and our resistance has not weakened or relented, as we continue to fight in Gaza without external support or supplies of weapons and equipment, and our people continue to endure without food, water, or medicine, under a criminal and unjust genocide war.”

He added, “The whole world witnesses the deception of the corrupt criminal Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister) and his war minister, as they misled their public and deceived the world into believing that the battle of Rafah was the decisive blow and the turning point, but the battle of Rafah was only a continuation of the enemy’s policy of systematic destruction and massacres against civilians.”

Abu Ubaida explained, “In contrast, the enemy received and still receives responses from our fighters and our resistance in Rafah, killing their soldiers, destroying their vehicles and ambushes, and simultaneously receiving painful blows wherever they re-invade.”

He said, “Our message to the enemy’s public and to the families of Zionist soldiers in Gaza and to the families of the enemy’s prisoners is that it is well known to you and the whole world that the absolute victory spoken of by Netanyahu is his personal victory in eliminating his opponents and staying in power in exchange for sacrificing your sons.”

He added, “Thus, the fate of your children, O enemy’s public, has become a game in the hands of your government’s president and his ministers obsessed with destruction and murder, and all that Netanyahu does is an attempt to escape from reality and the failure that will haunt him for the rest of his life.”

He pointed out that “what has recently been revealed among the enemy’s intelligence circles about the catastrophic failure on October 7th is insignificant compared to what we will reveal at the appropriate time from documents that will be harsher and more difficult, showing how we managed to implement a complex strategic deception for the Shin Bet and the enemy security system for years.”

Regarding the occupied West Bank, Abu Ubaida mentioned, “What is happening of the continuous escalation of resistance operations in the occupied West Bank in Jenin and in Nablus and Jabal al-Nar, and in all the governorates of the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem, is the response and choice of our people in confronting the systematic genocide, Judaization, and settlement carried out by the aggression and criminal government.”

He confirmed that “the nightmare of moving the West Bank and Jerusalem and the rebellious cells from the occupied land in 1948 is inevitable, and in a way that the enemy cannot expect.”

Since October 7th last year, Israel has waged a devastating war on Gaza with American support, resulting in more than 125,000 Palestinian deaths and injuries, most of them children and women, and more than 10,000 missing persons amid massive destruction and famine that have claimed the lives of dozens of children.

Tel Aviv continues the war, ignoring Security Council resolutions to stop it immediately and orders from the International Court of Justice to take measures to prevent acts of genocide and improve the miserable humanitarian situation in Gaza.

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