
Health – 5 snacking habits to adopt to limit peaks

Hyperglycemia is an abnormal rise in blood sugar (glycaemia). To speak of hyperglycemia, the blood sugar level must be understood between 1.26 g/l and 2 g/l on an empty stomach, compared to 0.70 and 1.10 g/l in normal times. When present occasionally, it is harmless to health. In contrast, chronic hyperglycemia is responsible for diabetes which kills more than 1.5 million people worldwide every year. For information, Inserm estimates that “if blood sugar exceeds 1.27 g/l during two successive assays, diabetes is declared”.

Hyperglycemia: how to avoid blood sugar spikes?

The main element favoring spikes in blood sugar is food. To maintain good blood sugar levels, it is essential to have a balanced diet, rich in dietary fiber such as vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereal products, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The Diabetes Quebec association indicates to eat three meals a day, avoiding skipping meals on a regular schedule. Drinking is water every day is essential for everyone, and even more so for people with hyperglycemia.

There is also certain foods to avoid like the sugary and low nutritious foods (cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate, cookies, brown sugar, honey, molasses, syrups, jams, etc.).

Watching your diet is important when you have hyperglycemia, but you shouldn’t deprive yourself. Taking small snacks is always possible. Diabetes Quebec recommends taking them two to three hours after a meal. There is also some good habits to take into account so as not to make this moment of pleasure harmful. Lyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos, creator of The Nutrition Twins, shared for Eat this media the five best snacking habits to avoid raising blood sugar.

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