
Health – The Benefits of Tofu

Prepared with soy, the tofu has many benefits that do not fail to delight the consumers around the world. Also known as “soy cheese” and even “soybean curd”the tofu is obtained from soybeans, which will then make the famous milk. Presented in different forms, from firm tofu to lactofermented tofu, without forgetting the silken tofu soy cheese is a real health asset, in addition to being a perfect daily slimming ally.

Alternative to meat and fish

An enriched source of vegetable proteins, minerals and nutrients, tofu blends particularly well in the heart of vegetarian or vegan diets, as well as on the side of consumers seeking an alternative to animal proteins. Thus, tofu invites itself on the plates like a perfect alternative to meat and fish.

Be careful, however, not to confuse it with the tempeh, his cousin to whom he looks a lot like but from whom he differs. Both made from soybeans the tofu and the tempeh differ not only in their provenance, but also in their method of manufacture. Tofu, of Chinese origin, is obtained from soy milk which is said to be curdled the tempehhe, who came from Indonesia, is made following a process of fermentation of the seeds.

A controversial reputation

Many specialists in epidemiology have not failed to step up, pointing the finger at the causal link established between the soy and the risk of breast cancer. The rate of phytoestrogens that soya contains, as well as its by-products including tofu, has been the subject of intense controversy for several years. Indeed, the isoflavonesphytoestrogen substances in question, that soy contains would seem to play the role of estrogen that the body produces, thus promoting the occurrence of infection.

However, other experts from the scientific body have positioned themselves on the other side of the barrier, precisely highlighting the potentially protective effects of soy on the risks of cancer and other infections and pathologies. So what is it really? Other studies are in progress and will make it possible, in the future, to establish a more reliable causal link between the soy and the risks of breast cancer.

However, it is not advisable for pregnant women to ban soy from their diet, they are simply recommended to limit their consumption.

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