
Here are the reasons for the failure of the January 25 revolt

The January revolution was one of the greatest revolutions in Egyptian history
and this during the first month of its appearance
It then failed and did not reach its desired aims
What are the reasons for its failure
There was no leadership of the revolution at its beginning
After its success, dozens of leaders and currents appeared who wanted to take its fruits
The inability to move from the stage of revolution to the state’s stage
The intensification in emotional speech that excites and pushes people for conflicts and fights
Besides, everyone thought that he could direct Egypt without any qualifications
and this was clear in the types of candidates in the first presidential elections
The use of political forces after the revolution outside
more than their appeal to their citizens and their political decision was inspired from their approval
The massive entry of political money prohibited on the Egyptian political game
permitting the Egyptian political sector for everyone
The transformation of the peaceful Egyptian revolution into a Molotov and the burn
and the permission of the burn without any prohibition
The culture of treachery started just after the revolution
and this for any opinion or political position taken by his possessor
and the spread of the culture of doing evil for others
Some rebels trust that Egyptian society should delegate revolutionaries to rule Egypt
After the revolution, Egypt remained between the brotherhood and the political forces
and then between the Brotherhood and the institutions of the old State
The leadership of the Brotherhood with the mentality and ideology of the group
and they did not differentiate between the science of calling and the science of the state
and their decision is completely submitted to the direction office
No attention to the development of Takfiri groups and their armaments in the Sinai
and the concern of all with the political conflict on the next dangers

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