
Hezbollah’s reaction to evidence of involvement in the Yemen war

After the Arab coalition uncovered evidence of Lebanese Hezbollah’s involvement in the war in Yemen, Hezbollah found itself in an embarrassing position, trying to disavow those accusations of lies and downplay the facts.

The pro-Iranian party found no justification for its violations other than questioning the credibility of the recordings and calling them “silly and trivial”, according to a statement released by the National News Agency.

In a brief press statement, Hezbollah’s Media Relations Department responded that what was said in the press conference by the spokesman of the Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen about what he called evidence of Hezbollah’s role in Yemen are ridiculous and ridiculous matters that deserve no comment or response.

The spokesman of the coalition, Brigadier General Turki al-Maliki, accused in a press conference the day before yesterday Iran and Hezbollah of sending experts and elements to Sana’a airport to help the Houthis to launch ballistic missiles and aircrafts towards the kingdom. Al-Maliki said: “The Houthis are using Sana’a airport as a major center and point of origin for launching ballistic missiles and drones” toward the kingdom, he said in a video of what he said was “the headquarters of Iranian and Hezbollah experts at the airport”, adding that “Hezbollah is training the Houthis to booby-trap and use drones at the airport”.

The coalition announced last Saturday a large-scale military operation in Yemen after two people (a Saudi and a Yemeni) were killed and seven injured in an attack by the Iran-backed Houthis on the south of the kingdom. Saudi Arabia accuses its arch-rival Iran and Hezbollah of supplying the Houthis with qualitative weapons, a charge that Tehran denies.

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