
Hotel Pools Can Cause Health Problems

With rising summer temperatures, relaxing by the hotel pool becomes a popular option to escape the heat. However, alongside the pleasure of swimming in refreshing waters, there are also health risks to consider.

Dr. Andrej Bozik warned of the dangers hotel pools pose to dental health, noting that exposure to chlorinated water can erode tooth enamel, increase tooth sensitivity, and heighten the risk of cavities.

While chlorine helps keep the water clean and kills bacteria, its acidity can damage tooth enamel, especially in children who might swallow the water or swim with their mouths open. A 2019 study showed that all professional swimmers surveyed suffered from tooth discoloration despite maintaining regular dental care.

Dr. Bozik advises against brushing teeth immediately after swimming, recommending waiting at least 30 minutes and simply rinsing the mouth with water. He also suggests using a mouthguard as an additional preventive measure for frequent swimmers.

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