Middle east

Houthi Practices Escalate in Ibb… What’s New?

As usual, the Houthi militia has failed to observe the holy month of Ramadan, violating its sanctity with field attacks aimed at bleeding government forces, and escalated its crimes and military actions on the battlefronts in many areas as part of military pressure to achieve political gains and to thwart the mission of the UN envoy seeking to renew an expanded truce.

The escalation of Iranian-backed terrorist militias threatens to lead to an unprecedented resumption of fighting in Yemen, amid warnings from observers of these escalatory steps by the Houthis that threaten any UN or international efforts to achieve any progress on the Yemeni issue.

Human rights convictions

A Yemeni human rights center condemned the brutal crimes committed by the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia against citizens in Ibb province, including abductions, repression and illegal pursuits.

In a statement, the Equity Center for Rights and Development condemned the crimes against citizens, civilians and activists in the province, as well as being besieged by militias in the Old City of Ibb, after killing the young activist Hamdi Abdul Razzaq, nicknamed “Al-Mukhal”, in one of its detention centers last week “without any justification, after repeated arbitrary arrests, imprisonment, brutal torture that lasted for months without mercy, or consideration for human rights against activists and media professionals.”

The Center expressed its strong condemnation of these extremist acts, arbitrary arrests, and intimidation of citizens in Ibb province by the Houthi militia, pointing out that these crimes are growing exponentially. This reveals the tragic situation the province has been living since the Houthi terrorist militia took control of it.

The Insaf Center appealed to human rights and humanitarian organizations, journalists, activists, Ibb residents in particular, and Yemenis in general to intervene and condemn these criminal acts carried out by this terrorist group against civilians.

Houthi terrorism

Ahmed Jabbari, a Yemeni political and human rights analyst, said Houthi continued his campaign of terror in residential neighborhoods in Ibb, central Yemen, and the arrest of dozens of activists and young people who participated in the funeral of activist Hamdi Abdul Razzaq al-Khawlani, known as “Al-Mukhal”, a few days ago. This is part of the repressive Houthi practices against stability and peace in Yemen’s regions.

He added that the governorates of Shabwah and Marib have been subjected to widespread Houthi ground attacks that targeted financial resources and vital installations in the two governorates that are rich in oil and gas, pointing out that the escalation of the Houthi militia “during the days of the holy month confirms the reality of this terrorist militia, its aggressive tendency, and its rejection of all pacification initiatives and peaceful solutions to stop the war.”

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