Middle east

Houthi Restrictions on Women Raise Concerns for the European Union… What Have They Done?

The European Union has expressed concern over the restrictions imposed by the Houthi terrorist militia, Iran’s arm in Yemen, on women in areas under their control.

Gabriel Munuera Vinals, the European Union’s envoy to Yemen, stated on the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8th: “The European Union continues to be deeply concerned about the restrictions imposed on women’s freedom of movement, particularly in the north controlled by the Houthis, and the related restrictions imposed on female aid workers”, affirming that these restrictions undermine Yemeni women’s ability to work, achieve financial independence, and contribute to delivering basic humanitarian aid and social services to vulnerable Yemeni populations across the country.

Vinals highlighted the impact of the current crisis in Yemen on women, explaining that “the prolonged armed conflict has eroded years of struggle for women’s rights advancement and their political participation significantly”, adding that empowering women is of paramount importance for Yemen’s development and prosperity.

He added: “As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we commend Yemeni women in every family, farm, school, hospital, public, and private enterprise who continue to strive to ensure the well-being of their families and communities despite all the challenges they face. The role of Yemeni women has been essential in strengthening the resilience of their communities. These women are the unsung heroes that we must not forget on this occasion”.

He mentioned that the European Union, as part of its global policy, will remain committed to empowering Yemeni women and promoting their integration in all fields, emphasizing that European Union development cooperation projects with Yemen focus particularly on empowering women and promoting women’s integration, from education to healthcare, from economic resilience to climate adaptation.

Over the years, human rights organizations and activists have called on the Houthis to respect human rights and avoid committing any violations.

However, the group regularly claims to respect human rights and that what is raised against it comes from opponents who support what they describe as aggression (referring to the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia).

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