
Houthis wave rejection of truce extension, set conditions

The Houthi terrorist militia has threatened to refuse to extend the UN truce that expires next September, and set certain conditions for its approval.

Mahdi al-Mashat, head of the so-called Supreme Political Council of the Houthi movement, reiterated his commitment to lifting the restrictions of the Arab coalition on Sanaa International Airport and the port of Hodeidah to extend the truce, Sputnik reported.

During a meeting in Sana’a with the delegation of the Sultanate of Oman, Al-Mashat said that they discussed the issues related to the truce and the proposals of the UN envoy Hans Grundberg on this and addressing the humanitarian and economic issues: “It is necessary to accompany any truce with a tangible improvement of the economic and humanitarian situation of the Yemeni people, including the payment of salaries to all state employees and pensions for retirees,” he said, without addressing issues related to the looting of those salaries and pensions, and the theft by militias of even the assistance that arrives from local and international parties to citizens in areas under their control.

A spokesman for the Yemeni people added: “The people’s demands for an end to the aggression and the lifting of the blockade on Yemen, starting with the full and immediate opening of Sanaa International Airport, the Hodeida port and the payment of salaries to all employees from oil and gas revenues, are just and right, and do not involve any incapacitation or require a concession from the other party (the Yemeni government).”

“The implementation of these steps will create an atmosphere supportive of peace and will contribute significantly to alleviating the suffering of citizens as a result of the aggression and blockade,” he said.

The Arab coalition and the Yemeni government have made many concessions to achieve the truce in order to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people from wars and fighting and to try to address the crises created by the pro-Iranian Houthi militias. However, the practices of these terrorist militias and their violations of the truce seriously threaten their continuation, especially since they have been exploited to reorganize their ranks by recruiting new fighters.

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